CPSC 220, Nov. 11

About the Test

2b)  Call  this function

            long int guess(long int x, long int y, long int z)
      with arguments 27, 93, and 101, then copy return value to r15
            mov rdi, 27
            mov rsi, 93
            mov rdx, 101
            call guess
            mov r15, rax
2c) Register rax contains the address of an array of three 32-bit integers.
    Add them up.
           mov eax, [rax]
           add eax, [rax + 4]
           add eax, [rax + 8]
3) Translate to assembly:
    long int sumOfBigger(               global sumOfBigger
         long int A[],                  sumOfBigger:
         long int count,                   mov r12, 0   ; This is i.
         long int limit) {                 mov r13, 0   ; This is sum.
      long int i = 0;                   .while:
      long int sum - 0;                    cmp r12, rsi
      while ( i < count ) {                jge .done
          if ( A[i] > limit ) {            cmp [rdi + r12*8], rdx
              sum = sum + A[i];            jle .next
          }                                add r13, [rdi + r12*8]
          i = i + 1;                    .next:
      }                                    inc r12
      return sum;                          jmp .while
   }                                    .done:
                                           mov rax, r13

4) 64 bits can be a signed integer, an unsigned integer, 8 characters, etc.  How does the
   computer know the difference?
   points to make:  The computer doesn't know the difference.  On the machine language
                    level, it does not keep track of data types for values stored in
                    memory.  The only thing that determines the meaning of the data is
                    how they are used in a program.  When you add a value from memory
                    to a 64-bit register, it had better represent a signed or unsigned
                    64-bit integer.

6) The Larc register file needs at least three 4-bit inputs for selecting registers.  Explain:

   points to make:   The register file contains 16 registers, so 4 bits can pick out one register.
                     One 4-bit input is used to select the register that data will be written to.
                     At least two 4-bit inputs are needed to select registers for output; this
                     is because some Larc instructions, such as ALU instructions use the values 
                     from two registers.

9) Explain "assemble", "link", and "execute".

   points to make:   The assembler converts assembly language instructions in to machine language
                     instructions and outputs them in an object (.o) file.  However an object
                     file is not a complete program.
                     The linker links one or more object files into a complete program in the
                     correct format for an executable program.  This allows an object file to
                     access labels that are declared extern in other files.
                     When the executable program is run, it is loaded into memory and starts
                     executing (at the point marked by the _start label in assembly)

(from Jorgensen, page 7)

About Lab 12

Were there questions about the lab or the sample programs?



Some notes on the full ABI Function Calling Sequence. (ABI = "Application Binary Interface")

2D Arrays and Macros

An ordinary (one-dimensional) array is easy to work with in assembly

Get item from an array LIST, if item number is in r12

    mov rax, [LIST + r12*8]
    mov eax, [LIST + r12*4]
    mov ax,  [LIST + r12*2]
    mov al,  [LIST + r12]
Put an item into an array, if r12 is the item number

    mov [LIST + r12*8], r15
    mov [LIST + r12*4], r15d
    mov [LIST + r12*2], r15w
    mov [LIST + r12],   r15b

We think of a 2D array in Java or C like this:

        A[0][0]   A[0][1]   A[0][2]   A[0][3]
        A[1][0]   A[1][1]   A[1][2]   A[1][3]
        A[2][0]   A[2][1]   A[2][2]   A[2][3]
        A[3][0]   A[3][1]   A[3][2]   A[3][3]

But computer memory is not 2D.  In C, the items would actually
be laid out linearly, row-by-row, like this:

    A[0][0]  A[0][1]  A[0][2]  A[0][3]  A[1][0]  A[1][1]  A[1][2]  A[1][3]  . . .  A[3][3]
How to find A[r][c] in general???
    (address of A) + r*(size of a row) + c*(size of an item)
             ( (size of a row) = (number of items in row)*(size of an item)
                               = (number or columns)*(size of an item) )
Example:  Suppose in C we have

        long int A[20][10];
What's the address for A[7][5]?  -- the offset from the start of A is  (10*7+5)*8

     You can actually do:  mov rax, [A + (10*7+5)*8]
       (constant expressions can be used where constants would be used)
     But for A[r12][r15], you CAN't do:  [A + (r12*10+r13)*8]
       (the expression is too complicated for one machine language instructions)
     So we might do:
        mov rbx, r12
        imul rbx, 10
        add rbx, r13
        imul rbx, 8
        add rbx, A
        mov rax, qword [rbx]
This would get painful if we want to do something non-trivial with a 2D array...
This calls for MACROs!  (Chapter 11 in Jorgensen)

%macro get 4     ; Use like  get A, rax, 7, 5 
   mov rbx, %3
   imul rbx, 10
   add rbx, %4
   imul rbx, 8
   add rbx, %1
   mov %2, qword [rbx]

See the sample byte array program!!


Why are we doing this?   LIFE

(Also see the WebGL version.)

What's Next?

Overview of some more advanced computer architecture topics.

(from Jorgensen, page 7)

(from Tarnoff, page 332)


(What can people in CPSC 329 tell us about threads and parallel processing?)

Processes and Threads

Shared resources and race conditions

Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion

The "LOCK" attribute in assembly language and the XCHG instruction.